Thank You

Thank you
for letting me see
there was really no need
I was already me

Under the skin
and layers below
I already knew
it was time to let go

Thank you
for answering my pray for release
but the answer was there
I could already be

Beneath the surface
and deep in my soul
I already knew
I was already whole

Thank you
for opening my eyes
as I begged for healing
and looked to the skies

it's frightening to think
and one day you'll agree
this isn't so bad
this change that's in me

I am fire

I am fire.

I burn and smoulder,

sometimes with passion

or fury or seduction.

I am fire.

I dance and change

the height of my flame

depending on my mood.

I. Am. Fire.

I can consume you and

overtake your world

with the beauty of my soul.

I…am fire.

I am full of warm comfort,

full of light

ready to heat the space I’m in.

But, I am fire.

I am dangerous and blistering

if left unattended and alone

for far too long.

And I am fire.

I am strong and bold

and not afraid to exist

in the centre of it all.


I’m alive

Breathing, dreaming, screaming

Pieces of me shining through the cracks

of a stone exterior brought on by years

of boxing myself in


I’m awake

laughing, looking, singing

celebrating the freedom of my voice

though it fails me at the moments

I need it the most


I’m alive

confused, twisted, turned

unsteady feet stumbling beneath me

while I try to find my stride

amid the chaos


I’m awake

walking, reaching, stretching

wondering if these shifts in my soul

are brought on by changes in my world

or by you



i’ve tried on a lot of skins

this one fits the best

the glow of the lights

and the freedom to move

i like this skin

i’d forgotten it was there

it hangs in the dust

like an old pair of pants

i’ve missed this skin

it’s tattered and torn

and a little beat up

from years of neglect

i’ll miss this skin

when i shed it again

in favor of one that

better fits the world