In every moment

In every moment of time

and second that ticks by.

In the purples, blues and pinks

that dance through the sky.

Through moments of calm

with chaos beneath

and in each single breath

that sighs tender release.

In solace and quiet

and sweet moments alone

or exciting endeavors

with happiness grown.

Through the sun and the snow

and each flower that grew,

every day of my life,

I am looking for you.


Can I be her for a while?

The one everyone sees.

Who laughs and smiles

and never falters?

Can I be her for a while?

A bold, brave woman

unafraid to face

each challenge.

Can I be her for a while?

Beautiful, with grace.

Someone worthy of

a second look.

Can I be her for a while?

The person I think I am

when no one around

pushes her down?

Can I be her again?

The one you believed me to be

when just the two of us existed.

Before you let go.

The Clock

The clock on the wall
is stuck in its rhythmic pattern,
slowly ticking its hypnotic beat.
Each pulse a broken dream,
a heart beat of time and
gentle drumming of a step.
The hands shift forward
instinctively moving a space ahead.
Without warning the patterns change.
Unsteady and uneven.
Moving forward is a battle
between desire and defeat.
The hesitations become a war
and the stuttering seconds
no longer soothe but
signal disjointed compulsion.
And as though it was always meant to be
the clock on the wall
shifts reluctantly
in to