I wondered

I wondered
if memory would be flawed
and my mind would twist
as time danced on.
But the steps are the same
and the rhythm familiar
and the tango moves
in the comfortable sway.

I wondered
if my heart would beat
with the irregular patterns
of anxious desire.
Then the pounding reminder
of surprising connection
echos it’s voice with a
powerful boom.

I wondered
if time would dispel
the catching of breath
and youthful passion.
But the moment of contact
goes right to the soul
and electrifies the
need to feel.

I wondered
if my heart would weep
again when with goodbye
and parted ways.
Then lingered moments
and delayed farewells
cling to the passing
perfection of space.

I wondered
if I would wonder
what would happen in
the game of “what ifs”.
And then I wondered what
would be left to be
in the moment where
I wondered no more.

I am fire

I am fire.

I burn and smoulder,

sometimes with passion

or fury or seduction.

I am fire.

I dance and change

the height of my flame

depending on my mood.

I. Am. Fire.

I can consume you and

overtake your world

with the beauty of my soul.

I…am fire.

I am full of warm comfort,

full of light

ready to heat the space I’m in.

But, I am fire.

I am dangerous and blistering

if left unattended and alone

for far too long.

And I am fire.

I am strong and bold

and not afraid to exist

in the centre of it all.